Was sind die heißesten IT-Trends in der Wirtschaft

Die Umfrageteilnehmer der Big Data Security Analytics wurden gebeten, die IT-Trends zu identifizieren, die sie derzeit für ihre Unternehmen am wichtigsten halten. Die Ergebnisse finden Sie in der Grafik und eine Kurzbeschreibung darunter.

Quelle: https://bi-survey.com/it-trends

Die Autoren des BI Survey sehen wenig überraschend die Digitalisierung des operativen Geschäftes als Treiber für Big Data und IT Security sowie den damit zusammenhängenden Themenbereichen.
„As more and more corporate assets become digitalized, companies from all industries increasingly rely on big data analytics for storing and analyzing huge amounts of data, mining it for business intelligence, optimizing their business processes, improving relationships with customers and so on. With this in mind, it is hardly surprising that big data has been recognized as the single most important IT trend.
However, with great power comes great responsibility. Digital transformation not only enables a whole range of new business benefits, but it also exposes the company’s digital assets to new security risks.
Combined with increasingly tight compliance regulations imposed on many industries, this makes all aspects of information security extremely important, which is why IT security comes in as the second most important IT trend.“